Results for 'Alexandra Lages Miguel'

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  1.  47
    Index–Volume 14–1997.Andrew Alexandra, Adrian Walsh, Miguel A. Altieri & Peter M. Rosset - 1997 - Agriculture and Human Values 14 (4):405-407.
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    Cell wall composition and candidate biosynthesis gene expression during rice development.Fan Lin, Chithra Manisseri, Alexandra Fagerström, Matthew L. Peck, Miguel E. Vega-Sánchez, Brian Williams, Dawn M. Chiniquy, Prasenjit Saha, Sivakumar Pattathil, Brian Conlin, Lan Zhu, Michael G. Hahn, William G. T. Willats, Henrik V. Scheller, Pamela C. Ronald & Laura E. Bartley - unknown
    © The Author 2016. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Japanese Society of Plant Physiologists. All rights reserved.Cell walls of grasses, including cereal crops and biofuel grasses, comprise the majority of plant biomass and intimately influence plant growth, development and physiology. However, the functions of many cell wall synthesis genes, and the relationships among and the functions of cell wall components remain obscure. To better understand the patterns of cell wall accumulation and identify genes that act in grass (...)
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    The Relationship Between Social Cynicism Belief, Social Dominance Orientation, and the Perception of Unethical Behavior: A Cross-Cultural Examination in Russia, Portugal, and the United States.Maria Cristina Ferreira, Theophilus B. A. Addo, Olga Kovbasyuk, Miguel M. Torres & Valerie Alexandra - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 146 (3):545-562.
    Most studies investigating the relationship between cultural constructs and ethical perception have focused on individual- and societal-level values without much attention to other type of cultural constructs such as social beliefs. In addition, we need to better understand how social beliefs are linked to ethical perception and the level of analysis at which social beliefs may best predict ethical perceptions. This research contributes to the cross-cultural ethical perception literature by examining the relationship of individual-level social cynicism belief, one of five (...)
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    Fetishism, technology and science-fiction.Miguel León - 2011 - Dilemata 6:123-139.
    In this paper Marx’s concept of fetishism is used in order to analyze contemporary representations of technology in the science-fiction genre (concretely Terminator, The Jetsons and Dune will be used as examples) and discuss their correspondence to two major ideological perceptions of technology (the luddite and the productivist) and to one of the best attempts to grasp technology in a non-fetishized form (Marx’s analysis in Capital).
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    Commentary: Task-Switching in Pigeons: Associative Learning or Executive Control?Li Xiangqian, Li Bingxin, Lages Martin & Stoet Gijsbert - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    La cuestión de la dialéctica.Miguel Giusti & Hans-Christoph Askani (eds.) - 2011 - Lima: Fondo Editorial de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú.
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  7. Violencia política y globalización.Miguel Giusti - 2005 - In Gustavo Leyva & Víctor Alarcón, La teoría crítica y las tareas actuales de la crítica. Rubí (Barcelona): Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Unidad Iztapalapa, División de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades. pp. 312--321.
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    End of story.Miguel Tamen - 2002 - Common Knowledge 8 (2):357-363.
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    Renunciation: Acts of Abandonment by Writers, Philosophers, and Artists by Ross Posnock, Exhaustion: A History by Anna Katharina Schaffner.Miguel Tamen - 2018 - Common Knowledge 24 (3):447-448.
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  10. La teoría de las necesidades humanas universales en Etzioni: reconstrucción y crítica.Miguel J. Llofríu Terrasa - 2012 - Diálogo Filosófico 84:73-89.
  11.  8
    Itinerary of Political Action in Antonio Gramsci.Miguel Ivân Mendonça Carneiro - 2022 - Revista de Filosofia Moderna E Contemporânea 10 (1):255-269.
    As result of the ongoing doctoral research, this paper composes the Communication delivered at the First National Post-Graduate Meeting in Philosophy of the University of Brasilia. The thesis relates to the real political action arising from liberty and immanent power. Structured in two moments of the Gramscian thought, that is: a) the juvenile phase (1914-1919), correspondent to the initial period of political engagement towards adherence to the Turin labor movement; and b) the analysis of the 48th § of Volume 3 (...)
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    Filosofía en música y filosofía de la música de Juan David García Bacca.Miguel Angel Palacios Garoz & Juan David García Bacca - 1997
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    O fenômeno religioso entre os jovens nas tribos urbanas: uma análise da relação cultura e religião na Comunidade Caverna de Adulão, Belo Horizonte, MG.Flávio Lages Rodrigues - 2018 - Horizonte 16 (50):941-943.
    In the contemporary times, we observe that the called post-modern culture enabled the youth culture to do the own constructions and choices, including religion. This research tried to understand how occurred the cultural and religious construction of youth urban tribes, here represented for headbangers from Caverna de Adulão Community. In this community, the rock was used as an instrument of socialization among the youth. The hypothesis of this research consists in observing that the religious practicing can be affected for cultural (...)
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    De nuevo sobre el desplazamiento del argumento lógos-ónoma.Miguel Lizano - 1997 - Endoxa 1 (8):155.
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    Pintadas poéticas en la ciudad: una propuesta de indentificación genérica.Miguel Ángel Valenzuela - 2016 - Logos: Revista de Lingüística, Filosofía y Literatura 26 (2):197-216.
    La intervención de la ciudad con fines artístico-creativos en manos de colectivos o anónimos transeúntes, es una práctica cada vez más habitual en el espacio urbano. Esta pluralidad de manifestaciones, tanto icónicas como verbales, suscita ciertas controversias a la hora de nominarlas, sobre todo por tratarse de “obras” proscritas en su mayoría, por lo que su estatus artístico o literario es, a veces, discutible. A partir de la delimitación de la estructura de necesidades de algunas expresiones artísticas, en este trabajo (...)
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  16. La Epoca de la "Noche de Dios".Miguel Verstraete - 1979 - Philosophia (Misc.) 41:23.
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  17. La reducción de lo posible: René Thom y el determinismo causal.Miguel Espinoza Verdejo - 2007 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 22 (2):233-252.
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  18. ¿Puede la física explicar la conciencia?Miguel Espinoza Verdejo - 1998 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 13 (3):587-591.
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    Bioética para nuevos.Miguel Suazo - 2002 - Santo Domingo: Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo.
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    On Getting Better.Miguel Tamen - 2022 - Common Knowledge 28 (2):307-307.
    On the face of it, Phillips's claim is that we are getting better all the time, or at least that we may do so. For him, “to talk about getting better... is to talk about pursuing the life we want.” His book, always suggestive and often brilliant, entails an argument in moral philosophy, roughly in favor of Millean experiments in living. A number of difficulties, however, arise. The first and perhaps the foremost is that the moral philosophy is covered by (...)
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  21. Schadel, Erwin, Bibliotheca Trinitariorum, Bd. I.Miguel Verstraete - 1987 - Philosophia (Misc.) 46:175.
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    Wahrheit, Bedeutung und Form — Eine Auseinandersetzung mit dem Davidson’schen Programm.Miguel Höltje - 2012 - mentis.
  23. Benoit de maillet et le spinozisme.Miguel Benitez - 2010 - Corpus: Revue de philosophie 59:79-123.
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  24. La filosofía del derecho de Francisco Miró Quesada Cantuarias.Miguel Giusti Hundskopf - 2018 - In Francisco Miró Quesada Rada, Los cien años de Francisco Miró Quesada Cantuarias: (homenaje). Lima, Perú: El Comercio.
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    Hotel y residencias universitarias UNL‑ATE. Gestión de un proyecto compartido.Miguel Irigoyen - 2011 - Polis (Misc) 1 (13):4-11.
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    Comments on Gerald Postema, Legal Philosophy in the Twentieth Century: The Common Law World.Miguel Vatter - 2017 - Jurisprudence 8 (3):596-603.
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    Marxism, today.Miguel Cande - 1995 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 23:127.
  28. La Amistad y el Derecho Internacional. La influencia de San Agustín y de Cicerón en Francisco de Vitoria.Carlos de Miguel - 2009 - Ciencia Tomista 136 (439):229.
    Es tan sorprendente, concorde con la naturaleza humana, útil y profunda la doctrina de Vitoria sobre la organización universal de los pueblos que aparece como repentinamente en el s. XVI, sin una aparente fuente de continuidad, que cualquier persona con un poco de mentalidad científica no puede dejar de preguntarse: ¿de dónde la ha sacado? ¿De dónde ha extraído esa comprensión tan profunda del mundo, y ese pensamiento tan hermoso? Cualquiera puede pensar que, pensamiento político o jurídico semejante había de (...)
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  29. Balmes: profesor de matemáticas.Miguel Selga - 1949 - Pensamiento 5 (17):53-61.
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  30. El multiculturalismo, el liberalismo y la izquierda según Aguilar Rivera.Miguel Carbonell Sánchez - 2003 - Revista Internacional de Filosofía Política 22:142-144.
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  31. El cultismo en el texto jurídico.Miguel Angel Puche Lorenzo - forthcoming - Nova et Vetera.
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  32. Corruption in Mexico : new solutions to old problems?Miguel A. Valverde Loya - 2019 - In Carole L. Jurkiewicz, Stuart Gilman & Carol W. Lewis, Global corruption and ethics management: translating theory into action. Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield.
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    Hacia la interpretación folosófica del horror: Una nota a propósito de la obra filosófico-teológica de Emil Fackenheim.Miguel García-Baró López - 2001 - Isegoría: Revista de Filosofía Moral y Política 23:173-182.
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    La CIA y los problemas de la guerrilla urbana.Miguel Madueño Álvarez & José Manuel Azcona Pastor - 2021 - Araucaria 23 (46).
    The Cold War, extended from the popularization of its name in 1947 to the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991, functioned a bipolar order in which the White House and the Kremlin set the pace of events. In accordance with the decentralization of the axis of the shock [1], both superpowers chose to avoid direct confrontation and based their strategy on a kind of tactical movements carried out by third parties. The direct consequence was the creation of a breeding (...)
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  35. El Gesto de Bob. Mirando desde el Interior del Workshop.Miguel Vitale - 1998 - Polis 1 (2):29.
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  36. Pensar la teología moral.Miguel Yañez - 2012 - Gregorianum 93 (3):621-627.
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  37. Cortázar como antropólogo literato: lecturas de Cortázar, una antropología poética.Miguel Alvarado Borgoño - 2009 - Telos (Venezuela) 11 (1):102-118.
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    Notas sobreaformaçãodos indíciosformais nafenomenologia do jovem Heidegger.Miguel Ângelo Caruzo - 2019 - Cadernos Do Pet Filosofia 10 (20):36-46.
    A fenomenologia heideggeriana é marcada pela busca de uma experiência que precede a oposição de sujeito e objeto. Esse processo teve início na juventude desse filósofo em seus cursos e que culminou na elaboração de seu procedimento fenomenológico conhecido como os indícios formais. A intenção desse artigo é encontrar elementos que elucidem a gênese desse processo que se encontra, em especial, no curso proferido em 1919, entre outros. Além disso, intenta-se perceber o inevitável desembocar dessa abordagem para uma das questões (...)
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    En finir avec l'interprétation?Miguel Egaña - 2009 - Nouvelle Revue d'Esthétique 3 (1):47-52.
    Résumé À partir de l’opposition marxiste entre action et interprétation, ce texte analyse le refus artistique de l’interprétation : chez les peintres de la Nouvelle Figuration créateurs de « Vie et mort de Marcel Duchamp » ; dans le mouvement surréaliste prônant l’action politique après la tentation herméneutique et opérant une synthèse dans l’activisme artistique ; dans l’esthétique relationnelle de Nicolas Bourriaud qui déplace la question en évoquant l’interprétation au sens scénographique du terme.
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  40. Calcul automatique des normes et propositions juridiques.Miguel Sánchez-Mazas Ferlosio - 1972 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 2 (6):25-56.
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  41. Comentario a las obras de Eugenio Trías.Miguel Ángel Quintanilla Fisac - 1971 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 1 (3):119-130.
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    Tolerancia y reconocimiento. Propuesta de un arco conceptual.Miguel Giusti - 2005 - Areté. Revista de Filosofía 17 (1):25-43.
    En las circunstancias políticas de la actualidad. el concepto de "tolerancia" ha recuperado una importante dignidad académica y ha sido materia de numerosas investigaciones. Pese a ello, la "tolerancia" sigue siendo considerada como una virtud "borrosa" o "elusiva". En el artículo se propone una interpretación sistemática de dicha noción, con el propósito de establecer un conjunto de matrices hermenéuticas que puedan darnos luces sobre su alcance y sus limitaciones. En dicho análisis, la tolerancia resulta ser una noción "parasitaria". cuya validez (...)
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  43. The Language of Love. A Cultural History of Love and Erotic Between Heaven and Earth.Fee-Alexandra Haase - manuscript
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    Social Entrepreneurship as a Family Resemblance Concept with Distinct Ethical Views.Filipa Lancastre, Carmen Lages & Filipe Santos - forthcoming - Journal of Business Ethics:1-22.
    Almost 25 years after Dees’ article on the meaning of social entrepreneurship, conceptual controversy persists. Based on a qualitative analysis of 209 definitions of social entrepreneurship and respective academic articles, we argue that the concept follows a family resemblance structure and identify the 12 distinct attributes that comprehensively define it. Membership in social entrepreneurship is not defined by a case possessing a universally accepted set of criterial features but by carrying shared attributes with other cases. The family resemblance structure points (...)
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    Self-control from a multiple goal perspective of mixed reward options.Zita Mayer & Alexandra M. Freund - 2021 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 44.
    We introduce a distinct type of choice that has yet to be addressed by self-control research: Choosing between activities that offer both delayed and immediate rewards. We describe when and why such mixed-reward choices pose challenges to self-control, and suggest that self-control in mixed-reward choices may be supported by delay discounting.
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  46. Choosing to hear music: motivation, process and effect.John Sloboda, Alexandra Lamont & Greasley & Alinka - 2008 - In Susan Hallam, Ian Cross & Michael Thaut, Oxford Handbook of Music Psychology. Oxford University Press.
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    British Architectural Theory, 1540-1750: An Anthology of Texts.Caroline Alexandra van Eck, Caroline van Eck & Christy Anderson - 2003 - Ashgate Publishing.
    The nature of architecture Building Architecture and Religion The sense of the past Following the example of antiquity.
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  48. La interpretación de la filosofía popperiana en la ciencia cognitiva.Miguel López Astorga - 2009 - la Lámpara de Diógenes 10 (18-19):241-254.
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  49. Las lenguas indígenas y el español : una posible globalización lingüística y cultural?Miguel León Portilla - 2014 - In Diego Valadés & Adolfo Castañón, Lengua oficial y lenguas nacionales en México. México, D.F: Academia Mexicana de la Lengua.
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    PRAUSS, G., Handlungstheorie und Transzendentalphilosophie, Vittorio Klostermann, Frankfurt am Main, 1986.Miguel Bastons Prat - 1987 - Anuario Filosófico:248-250.
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